Please Join Us For

One Of Our Worship Services
9:00 Contemporary
11:00 Traditional

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Every Sunday                                                                       
9:00am Relevant (Contemporary Worship)                       
10:00am Sunday School / Small Group                               
11:00am Traditional Worship
Every Wednesday
 6:00pm Children and Youth activities
 6:00pm Adult Bible Study
Family Skate Party tonight 11-24-24 from 4:30-6:30!!! Everyone is welcome!!
There will be an Administrative Board meeting at 6pm on 12/1 in the Alpha room. The agenda will be limited- the main topic will be the approval of the candidates to fill the open committee positions.
We would like to donate coats, sweaters, gloves, scarves, and blankets for Soup Kitchen. Janie would like to take them before Thanksgiving. She can pick these up or you can bring them to the church office or FLC. Serving others is what we are called to do!
There will be a combined service 12/8 (10 am in the FLC). Please bring your best covered dish!
Community Christmas Dinner- Monday, 12/9 at 6pm- Central Heights Community Center. The Browns will provide entertainment. Bring a covered dish.
Elegant Christmas Cookie Decorating Class by Amanda Davis. Dec 15 at 2pm in the Youth Room. Cost is $35 per person this includes 6 cookies and all supplies needed to decorate them. Proceeds will go to the Young Adult Passion Fund. See Amanda or Gail for more info.

The Children’s Dept will have their Christmas Party on Wed 12/18- They will be decorating gingerbread houses and other fun things!
Women’s Ministry
Gals of Grace will have their December meeting 12/1 at 5pm at Brittany Worley’s house. We are having a paint party ($15) and will be revealing our Secret Sisters. Spaghetti dinner will be provided, but we will need the fixings and desserts. Please see Brittany or Dee Dee for more information.



We are pleased that you are interested in our church. While our area has many great churches, we are particularly excited about what God is doing at Pleasant Hill. We would love for you to visit with us.

What can you expect?

You can expect to find a church family who are far from perfect but who serve and worship a perfect God. In a world full of trouble and uncertainty, we know where hope is found.
Pleasant Hill is one of the few churches in our community to offer two distinct worship services every Sunday morning. Our “Relevant” service is a contemporary worship service which starts at 9:00 and is located in the Family Life Center. Pleasant Hill also offers a traditional worship service that starts at 11:00 and is located in the sanctuary.

Directions to Pleasant Hill

We are located at 2705 County Road 222, Florence, AL. Please
Or give us a call at (256) 643-2020.