Homecoming 2020
Dear Friends,
We are fast approaching that time of year at Pleasant Hill when we celebrate Homecoming. This is a long-standing tradition that gives family and friends from times past to come back home and celebrate the great heritage of our church. We invite you and your family to this special service which will take place on Sunday, August 2, 2020. The early Relevant Service will begin at 8:45 followed by Sunday School at 10:00. The regular worship service will begin at the usual time of 11:00 AM. Our new pastor, Reverend Andy Curtis, will deliver our Homecoming sermon.
Our church has stood on this peaceful hill overlooking Burcham Valley for almost 200 years. Christians have gathered here to worship during the Civil War, two World Wars, the Vietnam War, the Korean War and conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. In addition, we have survived a Great Recession and other history-making events. Many of our friends and loved ones are gone but the memories remain.
Most of you are aware that our church cemetery is one of the oldest in the county. The first recorded burial was in 1843 and there is no doubt many were buried earlier and lie in unmarked graves. Among the many graves of veterans of recent wars there are at least six veterans of the Civil War. One veteran of the War of 1812 is buried in our cemetery but the gravesite has been lost over time.
Much work and expense go into the upkeep of the cemetery and it is necessary to call on friends and family to assist us financially. The cemetery operates entirely from donations and is 100% independent from the church. Donations are our only financial resource. We trust you will continue to help us with our operating expenses.
Donations can now be made online by clicking on the green “Donate Now” button. Of course, checks are gladly accepted. They should be made payable to the Pleasant Hill Cemetery Fund and mailed to:
Deanna Flippo
3720 CORD 137
Florence, Alabama 35633
We look forward to seeing you on August 2.
Pleasant Hill Cemetery Committee